Saturday, November 24, 2007

My First Post

Down in New Zealand in the month of November there is a campaign for men by men. It is called 'Mo-vember'. It is all about standing up for those with manly cancers, If you like the mens version of breast cancer society. Anyway, I'm sitting here growing a beard and this conspiracy theory floated into my head. The government is putting hair growth product into shaving cream. Ever noticed how your mo seems to grow back faster the more you shave?



This blog was formerly dedicated to my interest in rock music. Now I have decided to use this as an outlet of information that can be shared with all. This blog is not just for music anymore but also to share my opinions and ideas on certain topics offering you a new perspective (I live way down in New Zealand on the underside of the world and I'm an adolescent). Don't be afraid to send me your thoughts either.